Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Well, it's Tuesday now...

Sara says that it's good that I haven't written for four days because it means that I've been enjoying life. And I think that's true. Today was probably the best day so far, and I didn't even go into the city. Rather, I slept in and got a ton accomplished, then made a great dinner (stirfry- I know you were wondering) and spent quality time with quality people. Oh, there were some adventures today, like when Sara left her iphone at the grocery store and we walked the 2/3 mile back to find it. Luckily, a store employee had found it and returned it. And the electricity went out sporadically during the day, including at the grocery store and while running the washing machine. Despite these incidents, the laundry got done and the shopping was completed. I was even able to finish unpacking (and organize my clothes in the walk-in closet!), clean the kitchen and straighten up the apartment. It feels so homey and inviting, especially with the bouquet of bright pink gerber daisies that I arranged in a wine glass on the dining table and the orange lillies on the coffee table.

Earlier this evening, Sara and I made chocolate chip cookies for the boys on the 13th floor because they had helped us transport and carry our groceries several days ago. And because we just think that they're great guys. We included a thank you note and took the plate of cookies to their apartment. Since they were all home, we decided to hang out for awhile, which turned into a 2 1/2 hour long discussion of sports, politics, music and religion. (Cultured, no?) It was such good quality conversation between old friends and new, as well as a wonderful reassurance from God of His presence and influence in this group of interns.

Now for a short description of the events of the past few days:
Saturday: A morning scavanger hunt had us running around DC for 3 1/2 hours, followed by a 4-hour bus tour of the city (which actually involved more walking than bus-riding). The tour guide told us more about her "hot, single 24-year old son who is a bartender and has a business degree from Virginia Tech" than about the monuments we visited. Also shopped at the grocery store and Target with the roommies.

Sunday: Obtained eight hours of sleep for the first time since Wednesday, then got all dressed up for a group photo. It was cancelled. So I went to the mall instead, where I discovered the cheap section of Nordstrom.

Monday: Slept in again (this is becoming a glorious pattern that will be difficult to break) then went to the Holocaust Memorial Museum with a few friends. It's one of the newer Smithsonian buildings, and the architecture is very impressive, as are the exhibits. The only downside was the presence of multiple middle school student groups. I can't believe I used to be one of those. Monday evening marked the beginning of classes. My humanities professor is an over-zealous phD student- he is generously assigning a 24-30 page paper for the final. Still, I am remaining optimistic that the course will be interesting and insightful.

Tomorrow I will go to the zoo.

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